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Problemy Kolejnictwa
ISSN 0552-2145 (paper version)

ISSN 2544-9451 (on-line version)

Guidelines for the Authors

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   The title is owned by the Railway Research Institute, which funds it from its own resources. The owner does not charge authors for published articles. The author, on the basis of a separate agreement, transfers the property copyright and related rights to the Railway Research Institute.
   As of the date of IK publication of the Article in the scientific quarterly Problemy Kolejnictwa, the IK grants the Author a perpetual, territorially unlimited licence to use the Article in the Author's version, accepted and in the version published in the quarterly Problemy Kolejnictwa, within the scope of the following fields of use: entering into computer memory and storing in computer memory, making available to the public via any ICT networks, in particular repositories, provided that the public access of the Author's version of the Article shall contain the information that this is the version submitted or accepted for publication in the quarterly Problemy Kolejnictwa, and the public access of the version published in the scientific quarterly Problemy Kolejnictwa shall contain the information that the Article has been published in the scientific quarterly Problemy Kolejnictwa, indicating the following data of the first place of publication of the Article:
       - specifying the name of the quarterly: "the scientific quarterly “Problemy Kolejnictwa", indicating the issue of the journal in which the Article was published indication of publisher ID: "ISSN 2544-9451".

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The Editorial Board accepts papers written in English. In exceptional cases, articles may be accepted for publication in the mother tongue of the author and then translated into English.
Typescripts should not exceed 22 single-column pages (A4 sheet, Times New Roman 12 pt., space 1.5). Typescripts may please be submitted both in printed and electronic form in the MS Word format. Equations should be formatted in Microsoft Equation 3.0 editor. All drawings, photos and graphs should be described as Figures.


Next to Author's (Authors') name(s) full name and address of an institution should be given. Also correspondence address should be included in case of a leading Author of the text (Telephone, Fax, as well as E-mail address).


The title in English, Polish or Russian should be short and concise (Times New Roman 16 pt.). Title of an article should also include its English translation.


A summary in English (as well as in paper's language) containing up 250 words should express paper's content together with its conclusions (Times New Roman, 10 pt.).
Key words: Key words in English (as well as in paper's language) should be provided. In total they should include 5 words, characteristic of subject matter, however, they should not repeat the title of the article.


Structure of the article should conform to general rules of preparing publications. The introduction should contain synthetic presentation of current expertise in question as well as a description of the purpose and scope of the paper. The text itself should not raise doubts about which deliberations and suggestions of the Author are his own and which were taken from the works mentioned in the Bibliography. The ending should contain clear conclusions based on the results and their interpretation.


References to the literature made in the text should include respective item number in square brackets [ ]. Bibliographic data should be listed in the end of article in alphabetical order of names (name of the first author in case of a joint work). All authors should be mentioned provided they are not more than three in number. In case of larger numbers, first Author's initial and surname shall be mentioned together with "et al." acronym. Names in Cyrillic should be transcribed according to the PN-83/N-01201 Standard. It is recommended to refer to the already reviewed publications. Titles of respective periodicals should be given in their original name.

In case of independent publication: 

1. Nowak J.: Przyczyny awarii wielkoprzemysłowych, Wydawnictwo Inżynieryjno-Techniczne, Warszawa 1998, p. 256;

If the article is taken from a periodical, bibliographic item should appear as follows:

2. Bąk J., Bąk D.: Psychologiczne badania kierowców – diagnoza sprawności psychofizycznej, Transport Samochodowy, nr 2/2007, Instytut Transportu Samochodowego, Warszawa 2007, pp. 21-33;

If in the Bibliography the Author mentions items taken from electronic sources (www pages), bibliographic item should appear in the following form:

3. Stone N.: The globalization of Europe. Harvard Business Revue [online], May-June 1989, [Accessed: 3 September, 1990], available at WWW.harvard.com;

Tables, drawings, illustrations:

Tables, drawings, and graphs should be additionally prepared as independent attachment with image resolution of 300 dpi. Drawings should be basically black and white and made ready for printing. Since they will be also given in English, all titles, descriptions and captions under tables and drawings shall be short. To assure high quality of print the Authors are requested for drawings satisfying the following requirements:

No. Type of illustration Requirements

Digital camera pictures

Saved as display files in original format.
Name of Author's name.



One of the following formats: CDR, EPS, DWG, WMF, PDF.
Author's name with possible source of inspiration.

3. Scanned pictures and drawings
Screen shots

One of the following formats: JPG, GIF, TIFF, PDF.
Resolution 300 dpi.
Source of scanned drawings should be indicated.

4. Xerographic copies or computer printouts

Xerographic copies should be readable.


Charts in MS Excel, Word
Tables in MS Excel, Word

Saved in their original format.












Together with printed version of an article, the Author is requested to submit a declaration that he entrusts the Publisher with printing the submitted copy, transfers moveable copyright in favour of the Railway Institute and that this article has not been published anywhere before as well as that it does not violate the copyright of other parties.

Download Declaration file

„Ghost-writing" and „Guest authorship" barriers as a token of scientific diligence.

According to the definition given by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education „Ghost-writing" refers to the situation when somebody becomes vital contributor to the prepared publication – without revealing his/her name as one of the authors or without being mentioned in the acknowledgements in that publication. "Guest authorship" („Honorary authorship") refers to the situation, when the contribution is insignificant or non-existent, however, he still remains the Author/ Co-author of the publication.
That being so the Editorial Board of the Railway Reports Magazine kindly requests the Authors of joint publications to give information in the notes on the contribution of individual co-authors and possibly persons and institutions to preparation of the publication.
Leading Author shall be responsible for the truthfulness of information concerning the contribution of individual co-authors.

All Authors, regardless of their association are invited to send their works to the Problemy Kolejnictwa (Railway Reports).

Articles may please be sent to the following address:

Wydawnictwo Instytutu Kolejnictwa
ul. Chłopickiego 50,
04-275 Warszawa

Electronic version: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.