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Problemy Kolejnictwa
ISSN 0552-2145 (paper version)

ISSN 2544-9451 (on-line version)

Problemy Kolejnictwa is registered in bibliographic databases:

Problemy Kolejnictwa

Railway Reports

Quarterly published and editing by the Instytut Kolejnictwa (Railway Research Institute), Józefa Chłopickiego 50, 04-275 Warszawa, Poland
The title is owned by the Railway Research Institute, which funds it from its own resources.
Publication schedule: March, June, September, December

ISSN 0552-2145 (paper version)
ISSN 2544-9451 (on-line version)

Our Periodical is published under the patronage of the Committee on Transport of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

     Problemy Kolejnictwa - Railway Reports is the scientific journal focused on all aspects of railway transport. Its aim is to present and to disseminate knowledge concerning advanced technical and technological solutions in railway infrastructure, rolling stock and operation. Particular attention is paid to the recent research in this field made in Instytut Kolejnictwa and in other research institutions in Europe. Another important objective of the journal is to promote international cooperation in railway research focused on elimination of (still existing) knowledge gaps and on enhancement of competitiveness of rail transport and other forms of guided transport.

     Subject matter of articles published in our Periodical includes wide range of engineering and economic issues concerning the rail transport. In particular, this includes construction and maintenance of the railway infrastructure and the urban rail transport, technology of the passenger and freight service, design and operation of rail vehicles, public and technological safety in rail transport, economic analyses in rail transport, system and process modelling in the rail transport, environmental impacts, as well as accessibility of persons with reduced mobility to the rail transport. 

     The articles cover all areas of the railways:

  • Railways and urban rail transport,
  • Rolling stock,
  • Passenger and freight service,
  • Railway traffic control and signalling systems,
  • Telecommunications,
  • Information and communication technologies,
  • Traction network, power supply for electric traction and other non-traction installations and systems,
  • Materials and structural elements of rolling stock and infrastructure.

     Most articles published in the Railway Reports magazine are scientific in character and raise issues not only interesting to the railway research circles but also to the University researchers. All articles are reviewed and may not be published earlier in any other periodical. International Programme Council consisting of well-known scientists and railway experts is responsible for maintaining high standards of the Periodical. We would like to inform you that the editors check the originality of the submitted texts with the anti-plagiarism system: Plagiat.pl..All articles are free of charge.

     It is worth mentioning that the Railway Reports magazine is the oldest railway engineering periodical in Poland and has been published since 1956.

     Starting issue 179, the Railway Reports is published in two parallel language versions - Polish and English.

All articles will be transferred to the National Library of Poland (Biblioteka Narodowa) and in case of liquidation of the Title aditionaly to the state archive Archiwum Akt Nowych.

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