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Problemy Kolejnictwa
ISSN 0552-2145 (paper version)

ISSN 2544-9451 (on-line version)

Copyright © Instytut Kolejnictwa (Railway Research Institute)


Issue No. 174, 2017

From the Eitor-in-Chief
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1.  Deterioration Assessment of a Selected Steel Railway Bridge (Ocena zużycia technicznego wybranego stalowego mostu kolejowego) - in Polish
Ryszard Chmielewski, Paweł Muzolf, Stanisław Sancewicz
Pages: 7-18
Keywords: deterioration assessment, degradation, steel railway bridge, bridge maintenance
 summary    full text (PDF 2 118 kB)

2. Problems Concerning Railway Accidents Relating to Suicides and Trespassing the Track in Prohibited Places (Problematyka wypadków kolejowych związanych z samobójstwami i przechodzeniem przez tory w miejscach niedozwolonych)- in Polish
Magdalena Garlikowska, Piotr Gondek
Pages: 19-27
Keywords: suicide, trespassing, railway accidents
 summary    full text (PDF 182 kB)

3. First Polish Tramsimulator in Terms of Training and Research (Zastosowanie pierwszego polskiego symulatora tramwaju w procesie szkoleń i badań naukowych) - in Polish
Maciej Górowski, Tomasz Ozon
Pages: 29-37
Keywords: symulator, tram, training
 summary    full text (PDF 1 120 kB)

4.  Shaping of the Turnout Diverging Track with Linear Curvature Sections (Kształtowanie toru zwrotnego rozjazdu z odcinkami krzywizny liniowej) - in Polish
Władysław Koc
Pages: 39-46
Keywords: railway turnouts, curvature modelling, calculation of horizontal ordinates
 summary    full text (PDF 317 kB)

5.  Selected Issues Concerning the Assessment of the Rolling Stock Conformity to TSI PRM No 1300/2014 (Wybrane zagadnienia związane z oceną taboru zgodnego z TSI PRM nr 1300/2014) - in Polish
Marceli Lalik
Pages: 47-51
Keywords: interoperability, TSI PRM, conformity assessment, railway transport, rolling stock
 summary    full text (PDF 176 kB)

6. TSI Energy 2015 – Reference Parameters for Overhead Contact Lines 
Thomas Nickel, Rainer Puschmann
Pages: 53-58
Keywords: overhead contact line, interoperability, technical specification of interoperability, energy subsystem, conventional railway, high-speed railway, mechanical kinematic gauge of pantograph, electrical kinematic gauge of pantograph
 summary    full text (PDF 168 kB)

7. Technical Specification Energy 2015 – Harmonized Design of Overhead Contact Lines 
Thomas Nickel, Rainer Puschmann
Pages: 59-73
Keywords: overhead contact line, interoperability, technical specification of interoperability, energy subsystem, conventional railway, high-speed railway, mechanical kinematic gauge of pantograph, electrical kinematic gauge of pantograph, supplements of Technical Specification for Interoperability of Energy subsystem
 summary    full text (PDF 541 kB)

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