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Problemy Kolejnictwa
ISSN 0552-2145 (paper version)

ISSN 2544-9451 (on-line version)

Copyright © Instytut Kolejnictwa (Railway Research Institute)


Issue No. 171, 2016

From the Editor-in-Chief
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1.  Low Noise Barriers – High-pressure Water Mist Active Firefighting Systems: First Testing Experiences According to Italian Standard UNI 11565
Michele Barbagli
Pages: 7-15
Keywords: UNI 11565:2014, UNI 11565:2016, fi re protection, firefighting, water mist, testing, safety, standard, rolling stock
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2. Fault Detection and Tolerabl e Hazard Rate in UniACl System (Wykrywanie usterek i tolerowalny poziom intensywności zagrożeń na przykładzie systemu UniAC1) - in Polish
Michał Bigus, Wojciech Ulatowski
Pages: 17-20
Keywords: safety, railway safety, axle counting system, railway signalling, hazard analysis
 summary    Full text (PDF 313 kB)

3. The Amendment of the Standardization Rules Concerning Testing of Rolling Stock in Terms of EMC
Artur Dłużniewski, Łukasz John, Mieczysław Laskowski
Pages: 21-26
Keywords: rolling stock, methodology of measurement, electromagnetic compatibility, radiation disturbance emission, conducted disturbance emission
 summary    Full text (PDF 231 kB)

4. Experience Gained from Fire Tests According to EN 45 545-2 and DIN 5510-2 for Testing of Seats 
Dieter Hohenwarter 
Pages: 27-38
Keywords:  fire tests of railway materials and seats, fire tests of tram seats
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5. Development and Testing of New Solutions of Overhead Contact Line Accessories  
Grzegorz Kiesiewicz, Tadeusz Knych, Paweł Kwaśniewski, Artur Rojek
Pages: 39-50
Keywords:  overhead contact line, contact line accessories, numerical research
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6. Cost of Track Modernization Based on the Railway Line 131 (Koszty modernizacji na przykładzie linii 131) - in Polish
Roksana Licow, Franciszek Tomaszewski
Pages: 51-56
Keywords:  upgrading, initial quality, track durability
 summary    Full text (PDF 312 kB)

7. Defect Signal Detection Within Rail Junction of Railway Tracks
Vitalij Nichoga, Igor Storozh, Volodymyr Storozh, Oleg Saldan 
Pages: 57-62
Keywords:  railway diagnostic, defect, joint
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8.  EN 45545 in Transition – a GB Perspective
Richard Nowell 
Pages: 63-66
Keywords:  LOC&PAS TSI, EN 45545, GB national standards, Fire, Seats, RSSB, Research
 summary    Full text (PDF 140 kB)

9.  Influence of the Ignition Source on Passenger Seat Burning
Jolanta Maria Radziszewska-Wolińska
Pages: 67-77
Keywords:  fire protection, passenger rolling stock, heat release rate, travel bag, furniture calorimeter, EN 45545-2
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10.  Analysis of Interaction Between Tramway Wheel and Rail in Regular Operation (Analiza współpracy koła tramwajowego z szyną w warunkach rzeczywistej eksploatacji) - in Polish
Tomasz Staśkiewicz , Tomasz Nowakowski 
Pages: 79-86
Keywords:  tramway, wheels-rail interface, exploitation
 summary    Full text (PDF 414 kB)

11.  Model of Implementation of Selected Operation at an Inland Terminal (Model wybranych operacji w intermodalnym terminalu przeładunkowym) - in Polish
Mateusz Zając , Justyna Świeboda
Pages: 87-97
Keywords:  intermodal transport, container yard, container handling, scheduling of handling
 summary    Full text (PDF 171 kB)

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