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Problemy Kolejnictwa
ISSN 0552-2145 (paper version)

ISSN 2544-9451 (on-line version)

Copyright © Instytut Kolejnictwa (Railway Research Institute)


Issue No. 176, 2017

From the Eitor-in-Chief
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1.  Technical and Technological Means to Ensure the Development of Interoperable Transportation Between Ukraine and the EU 
Rostyslav Domin
Pages: 7-13
Keywords: combined transport, rolling stock, gauge change
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2. Assessment of Risks of Derailment by Means of Computer Simulation
Rostyslav Domin, Ganna Cherniak
Pages: 15-21
Keywords: rolling stock, running safety, derailment, dynamics of motion, computer simulations of derailment factors
 summary    full text (PDF 114 kB)

3. The Coefficient Matrix Method of Forecasting of Railway Passenger Flows (Macierzowa metoda wskaźnikowa prognozowania pasażerskich potoków kolejowych) - in Polish
Szymon Klemba
Pages: 23-32
Keywords: railway transport, transport modelling, demand forecast
 summary    full text (PDF 145 kB)

4.  Transport of Special Consignments by Rail in Poland (Przewozy przesyłek nadzwyczajnych koleją w Polsce) - in Polish
Krzysztof Ochociński, Robert Kruk
Pages: 33-39
Keywords: gauge, freight transport, cargo transportation
 summary    full text (PDF 596 kB)

5.  Legal Aspects of Marking Standardization of the Passenger Stations in Poland (Ustawowe aspekty standaryzacji oznakowania stacji pasażerskich w Polsce) - in Polish
Paweł Podleśko
Pages: 41-49
Keywords: passenger station, railway transport accessibility, standardization of wayfinding, service facility, service facility operator
 summary    full text (PDF 113 kB)

6. Tactile Elements on Rail Transport Platforms – Assessment of Solutions in the Light of Binding Acts of Law  
Janusz Poliński, Krzysztof Ochociński
Pages: 51-59
Keywords: platform, danger zone, tactile elements
 summary    full text (PDF 1 139 kB)

7. IT Systems in Railway Infrastructuree (Systemy informatyczne w infrastrukturze kolejowej) - in Polish
Eugeniusz Skrzyński, Krzysztof Ochociński
Pages: 61-78
Keywords: railway infrastructure, IT systems, PKP PLK S.A.
 summary    full text (PDF 1 018 kB)

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